The first two weeks…

As parents of the children that have been removed, you will want to get in contact with your “Children Services case worker”. In most cases, visitation will be set up for you to spend time and connect with your kids.
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The perm plan, is usually the first real meeting you will have, in that meeting the reasons your children were removed from your home will be explained and clarified. The plan of action for the parent is listed out. You as the parent will have the path you need to walk to bring your children home.
Were their drugs and/or alcohol involved? Was the home condition “unlivable”? Was there enough food in the house? Did you know where your children were and what they were doing? Did you monitor their behavior? Was there domestic abuse or harsh punishment in the house? This is the hard part for the parents, it is hard to see the truth that Children Services not only reports, but is accepted by the court system. If their information is wrong you will have the opportunity to share your information and evidence with Children Services at the “perm plan meeting.” The court should have already have provided you with an attorney. Partner with your attorney in presenting this information and evidence. No one wants to be seen as doing wrong or less than acceptable for their children. It is embarrassing!

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